Plant-based raw materials
The first step is to select high-quality raw materials. Brandenburch is GMP+ certified. This means we meet requirements based on the specific statutory feed safety standards set by the European Union. Consequently, these never contain any products that are harmful to the animal and Brandenburch guarantees safety and health for the animal. These high-quality raw materials are stored in big bags and silos.
The perfect mix
From our warehouse, the perfect mix of ingredients is made up. During this meticulous process, everything is carefully weighed, literally. The raw materials then proceed to the mixing and grinding machine for thorough mixing and grinding.
Eye for detail
Appearances count. Not all ingredients have to be ground and some can remain clearly visible in the final product, such as carrot flakes in a horse treat. This allows the animal to enjoy the colour as well as the taste and texture.
Quality assurance
At Brandenburch, quality is paramount. That is why we ensure that no metals or other harmful substances get into the final product. Everything undergoes a careful sieving process and is checked by a metal detector before being blown into the silo.
Where the magic happens
Now it gets really interesting. The ingredients proceed to the extruder, where they are intensively mixed and blended under high pressure using steam and friction. The mixture is then pressed through a steel mould. These come in all kinds of shapes. Hearts, sticks, balls, rings, you name it, we can make it.
Growing, cooling, and drying
When the product comes out of the mould, it is cut off and expands, growing from, say, 1 to as much as 10mm. Cutting and expanding gives the product the desired shape and texture. It is then dried; an important step in the process. The moisture content is reduced to between 10 and 11%, which is essential for shelf life. Lastly, we cool the product to prevent condensation, thus significantly reducing the risk of spoilage.
Packing and shipping
Once the product has been cooled, it is sieved to remove any grit or coarse material. We pack it in 2000-litre big bags that we store in our warehouse. If required, the big-bags can also be filled with CO2 and nitrogen, to keep the feed fresh for longer and extend its shelf life.
We’re ready!
The plant-based animal feed is purchased in big bags, sacks or bulk. From April 2024, we will also offer the option of bagging under protective gas, which will also keep smaller quantities fresher for longer.
Micronisation and lucerne
In addition to our basic range and the bespoke specials we create for our customers, we can also micronise and sieve and press Lucerne. Our expertise lies in extruding plant ingredients.
Extruding, three applications
Extruding is the process used to process and shape food products. Brandenburch has three applications for this:
- Single product. This is a complete product that contains everything the animal needs. The animal needs no other food
- Products ‘in de mix’. Also known as the sprinkles on the sandwich. These products can be found in our basic range, or we make them specially to order.
- The tasty snack for horses, rabbits, guinea pigs or any other plant-eating animals.
Brandenburch’s plant-based animal feed is suitable for all animal groups provided they can eat plants. In terms of ingredients, shape and colour, anything is possible. At Brandenburch, we are not satisfied until you are satisfied with the end product. After all, you have the expertise of the animal that will eat it. Our expertise lies in extrusion. Together, we create the best end product.